Websites 9/11 TV 9/11 TV live coverage About me My personal homepage… Inaktive Wilma Bräuner Exhibition 6 to 17 December 2022 in the town gallery "Alte Post", Westerland The page of the exhibition: Searching for traces in the Sylt archive: On the Life and Work of Wilma Bräuner (1891 - 1985) Blogs Active Never Build Göttingen This blog presents never-built architecture in Göttingen Alternative architectural history: Ambitious building projects for Göttingen that would have changed the cityscape. Active Vintage Reality 19th and 20th century "virtual reality" 3D images are not a new invention - 3D viewers already existed at the end of the 19th century… Active Briefsteller Sample letters from old letter-writer's guides (around 1900) Sample letters offer an interesting insight into past communicative practices. Netiquette 0.1.. Active Vorsatzpapier This blog presents old type tables Before the age of desktop publishing and Google fonts there where type tables… Active Backsteinexpressionismus Old illustrations of brick expressionism In the 20ies there was an unusual architectural style that always fascinated me… Active Kleiderbügel Old coat hangers “Kleiderbügel” (coat hangers) is a sub project of “Blaufußtölpel” and presents different coat hangers. Active Projektemacher Umbrella blog (this Blog) “Projektemacher” is the Überblog for my different projects. Active Kinderbücher Old beautiful and questionable children's books We show our children things that we believe are good (for them) … Only had past generations different values than we do today. Active Vorsatzpapier This blog presents old book end paper Around 1900 many books were produced with beautiful book end papers. This blog shows some of them… And wallpapers. Active Blaufußtölpel A blog about historical fashion Fashion is not just an expression of the prevailing aesthetic spirit of time… Active Krähenbeißer Historical illustrations of crowbitters “Krähenbeißer” is a blog that presents historical images of crowbitters. Active Ric - An unknown artist This blog tries to help to solve the mystery „Who was Ric?“ “Ric” worked in the second half of the 20th century and only signed his prints with “Ric”. The blog presents his works and participates in the international search for Ric’s identity. Active Yaapb Yet another analog photo blog Analog photography is a thing from the past, this blog presents photos taken with analog cameras and presents found films from flea markets. Inaktive Flohmarktfunde Findings from flea markets and junk shops Flea markets visits in Göttingen and Bremen. Inaktive (2013 - 2015) Diapraesentation Modern presentations with old technology About using old slide projectors for presentations. Inaktive (2009 - 2016) Hässliche Plastiktiere und Zeugs Photo documentation about animal parades A questionable trend of the early 21st century are animal parades. This blog shows numerous examples. External links will open in a new window. The flags indicate the languages available, the ribbons the status of the blog. Additional blog drafts in different stages can be found in the Lab.